Why Hair Loss?

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Why Hair Loss?

There are many factors that cause hair loss. But first let's give some information about health hair. The hair in our scalp is born, lives, dies and is thrown as a result of life cycles. This cycle continues throughout human life and during this cycle, 80-120 hair strands are discarded daily. This amount of shedding is normal for a scalp in health. However, if this number is increasing, you may start to think that you are facing the problem of hair loss. So how do we notice that this number is increasing and we are having hair loss problems? Under normal circumstances, we do not notice that our 80-120 hairs are shed daily. When this number starts to increase; on the pillow, in the shower, in the hairbrush, we begin to see the amount of hair strands we have not noticed until now. At this point it is understood that we are facing the problem of hair loss. Even worse; When we notice this, our hair loss problem is that it actually started at least 3 months in advance. Because hair that has been exposed to the causes of hair loss, do not immediately go to the shedding phase. The rates and rates of transition to the spill phase increase. Therefore, the amount of hair in the shedding phase increases and then they are rapidly expelled. The period between the passage of hair and shedding is 3-4 months. The increased amount of spillage due to these processes is due to one or more spillage causes that last for at least three months. In this case, spill causes should be evaluated and urgent measures should be taken. If no action is taken, solving the problem as the process progresses, streamlining the hair cycle and recovering the lost hair will require a longer process and effort.